Masterseminar 2018 Precision Measurements

In the summer term 2018 we offer a joint

Master I and Master II Seminar on

Precision measurements in and with atomic systems

Tuesdays 14-16, Minkowski lecture hall


The deal:

  • Every student is supposed to give an approx.  30 minutes long talk on the topic selected.
  • Contact your talk supervisor at least 4 weeks prior to your presentation for material
  • have a first version ready at least 2 weeks before the talk
  • schedule a test talk with your supervisor for the week before the talk
  • after the talk, upload your talk onto the drop box folder to share it with your colleagues
  • Most importantly: have fun!

There are still more topics for talks available. Write to me if you are interested.

Current plan:

Date Topic Speaker Supervisor
15.5. Optische Gitter-Atomuhr Alexander Wilzewski P.Windpassinger
22.5. Bestimmung der Neutrinomasse im ECHO-Experiment Nils Brast K. Wendt
29.5. Präzise Quantenzustandskontrolle für Quanteninformation und Quantencomputing Yanik Herrmann Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
5.6. Die Vermessung des Protons Hendrik Schürg R. Pohl
12.6. „Präzisionsmessungen“ in der Nummerischen Physik Methoden zur präzisen Berechnung von komplexen Quantensystemen Niklas Tausendpfund M. Rizzi
19.6.                      Verschränkung als Ressource für die Quantenmetrologie Kai Krimmel Peter van Loock
19.6. Exotic photon states for quantum metrology Li Peizhe Peter van Loock
26.6. Magnetresonanz: Präzisionsmessungen in Physik, Chemie, Biologie und Medizin Valentin Grunhofer Peter Blümler